Wednesday, October 2, 2013

1st baby photo

Measuring 8 weeks, 4 days. Right on schedule. Heart rate 165bpm. Wiggling bum and moving hand.

Friday, August 30, 2013

4 weeks today

Pee stick lines getting darker every day:

That means the hcg is increasing, which is good. The baby is growing!

I was up at 4 with nausea and couldn't get back to sleep until after 5:00. Boston Pizza pasta or morning sickness?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dear Daddy,

Dear Daddy, 

I would like to announce my impending long-term stay in your home. Although my anticipated arrival date is May 9, 2014, my actual arrival may be unannounced, so please get ready for my visit ahead of time by preparing a suitable guest room with all the amenities, including rattles, diapers, and blankets. I look forward to being delivered to you on the expected date. 

Yours truly, 
Baby W

I'm pregnant!

Doctor called to confirm this morning!

Yesterday B used the words "baby on the way" and it was so exciting to hear that and be making plans for our future family.